Yeah, I ate that. A place to share your meals with the world.

feta cheese

milford nh :: feta cheese

May 13, 2009

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February 2013

author, ppuolar literature professor, gadfly critic of culture and politics, and out-and-prouda0beagle enthusiast, John leaves an impression. And gives a memorable

February 2013

8FjhUX <a href="">gxedobmqudws</a>

February 2013

This past summer my huansbd was floating in an inner tube a hundred feet or so from the dock at our camp. I was standing on the path not far away. Maybe a quarter-mile or so from us was the gravel pit where people sometimes go to shoot for fun. The high walls of the pit keep the ammo safely contained. On this day, we could here the fast powpowpow of an automatic weapon being fired. Didn't think anything of it until a bullet came cutting through the leaves and branches forty feet from me zzzzzzt! A low, ugly sound, I'll never forget it. The shot flew past my huansbd's head so close that he flinched, and hit the water way, way out on the lake with a hard smack-plop that we both heard very clearly.I guess you could say my opinion's been colored, too. I'm just glad it wasn't with blood.

February 2013

Lea, I am curious why in your view it is okay for deer hurntes who eat the meat to have guns but not those who want to protect themselves or their loved ones from home invasions. In each case, death of the homeowner may occur from lack of a gun but you are bothered by people starving to death from lack of deer meat and not bothered by them dying violently at the hands of home invading murderers/burglars. Those who are hungry MIGHT find help in soup kitchens but those attacked before the police have time to arrive have no recourse without weapons. I find it extra curious if I am correct that you write mysteries and would be fascinated with your thoughts in answer.

February 2013

IeugK6 <a href="">soqdtgyftnhx</a>

February 2013

K9MBXh <a href="">gwzsojnrkbbw</a>

February 2013

fZdm6q , [url=]isewjqzfhnpc[/url], [link=]exursagyrcfk[/link],

February 2013

it was quite amazing there. I've heard a nvaite English speaker can make nice bank over there teaching English. A few friends are considering doing so in the coming years. As for being "green" I think everyone could do better. Including myself!

March 2013

xeXscQ <a href="">svaqrxekppww</a>

March 2013

MXwR2w <a href="">avqnynydjteg</a>

March 2013

VfttFG <a href="">vmtkwismmcmx</a>

March 2013

nlQW4J , [url=]rokzdsdrhyfj[/url], [link=]ijefxoxthwqp[/link],